Health Tourism

Should every wisdom tooth be extracted?

Whether or not to extract wisdom teeth varies depending on the oral structure and health status of the person.

The health of our mouth greatly affects our overall body health. To maintain the health of our teeth, it is important to visit the dentist regularly, brush our teeth regularly and maintain a healthy diet. However, sometimes problems can occur with our wisdom teeth, also known as wisdom teeth, and tooth extraction may be necessary.

So, is it really necessary to extract wisdom teeth? Let’s address this question.

Firstly, let’s understand what wisdom teeth are. Wisdom teeth are the third molars that usually begin to take their place in the mouth between the ages of 18 and 25. However, not everyone’s wisdom teeth come into the mouth or erupt smoothly. In this case, various health problems can arise.

  1. Impaction and Curvature: Wisdom teeth can become crowded or crooked if there is not enough space in the mouth. This can disrupt the alignment of other teeth and cause crowded teeth.

  2. Pain and Discomfort: During the process of eruption of wisdom teeth, pain and discomfort may be felt. Problems such as swelling and inflammation of the gums can also occur.

  3. Tooth decay: The position in which wisdom teeth erupt can lead to difficult cleaning and the appearance of tooth decay.

  4. Pericoronitis: In this case, the gums around the wisdom tooth become inflamed and swollen. This can be quite painful.

Such cases may require the extraction of wisdom teeth. However, this is not the case in all cases. In some cases, wisdom teeth may not need to be extracted and it may be sufficient to be monitored by the dentist.

Therefore, whether or not wisdom teeth should be extracted may differ for each individual and it is important to consult with a dentist who specialises in this area. The dentist will assess the individual’s oral structure, the condition of the wisdom teeth and any potential risks to determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

In conclusion, whether or not wisdom teeth should be extracted can vary from individual to individual and should be assessed taking into account general health status, oral structure and other factors. Therefore, it is important to consult a dentist if any discomfort is felt or any problems with wisdom teeth arise.


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